Age Management Blood Test Panel
Age Management Blood Test Panel
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Age Management Blood Test Panel
+/- $725 includes blood draw fee (depending on how many tests you can have done through your GP)
The pace at which people age varies widely, which is why you are undergoing this testing panel.
Many people are accelerating the development of all the hallmarks of ageing, such as loss of muscle tone and energy (sarcopenia), a declining immune system, increased levels of body fat, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancerous changes, aged skin, grey hair, and cognitive decline.
Why do many individuals age faster than others? The answer is your gene expression. In other words, it depends on whether or not you are running your ageing software at optimal levels and protecting your DNA code from corruption.
Improving your ageing software is an attainable goal as ageing is essentially a metabolic process. This panel checks those metabolic processes such as inflammation, vitamin and mineral balance, sugar and lipid control, immune function, growth factors, and hormone levels.
Your Testing Panel Inclusions – Ageing Biomarkers
- 1, 25 Dihydroxy Vit D
- Apolipoprotein A1 / B + ratio
- B12
- Biochemistry (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
- CRP (high sensitivity)
- ESR (Erythrosedimentation Rate)
- Glucose
- Glutathione Peroxidase (Red Cell)
- hbA1C
- Homocysteine
- Human Growth Hormone
- IGF-1
- Insulin
- Iron studies
- N-Telopeptide (NTx) – Urine
- Omega 3/6 / Essential fatty acids
- PSA (Male Only Prostate Test)
1, 25 Dihydroxy Vit D
Two forms of vitamin D can be measured in the blood, vitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. The vitamin D3 is the major form found in the blood and is the relatively inactive precursor to the active hormone, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Because of its long half-life and higher concentration, vit D3 is commonly measured to assess and monitor vitamin D status in individuals.
People at higher risk of deficiency include those over 60, overweight people, people who don't get enough sun exposure, people with darker skin, and people who take certain medications for long periods of time.
Vitamin D (or hormone D) reduces the risk factors for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and auto-immune disorders. It is also involved in regulating circadian rhythm and stimulating production of stem cells from your bone marrow.
Apolipoprotein A1 / B + ratio
Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) is the primary protein component of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1) is the primary protein associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
Both Apo B and Apo A1 are more strongly associated with cardiovascular disease than the corresponding lipoprotein cholesterol fraction (ie APLA1 / Apolipoprotein A1, Plasma and APLB / Apolipoprotein B, Plasma). However, the most powerful risk prediction value of these proteins appears to be in their ratio (i.e., Apo B: Apo A1).
This test measures the level of Vitamin B12 in the blood. B12 is an essential vitamin which is necessary for the formation of healthy red blood cells and proper nerve function. B12 is not produced by the body and must be taken in through a person's diet. A deficiency in B12 can cause a condition known as Macrocytic Anaemia in which red blood cells are larger than normal. Common causes for Vitamin B12 deficiency are chronic stressed lifestyles, malnutrition and poor diet, liver disease, high alcohol intake, and malabsorption disorders such as Coeliac Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Vitamin B12 plays vital roles in methylation – of neurotransmitters, toxic compounds, and gene expression. It is fundamental in energy production and nerve activity. B12 is also needed for the correct utilisation of folate and iron.
BioChemistry (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
Kidney Function (UEC):
Corrected Calcium
Uric Acid
Liver function (LFT):
Total Protein
Alkaline Phosphatase
Total Bilirubin
Gamma GT
Lipid Studies:
H.D.L. Cholesterol
L.D.L. Cholesterol
Non-HDL Cholesterol
Chol/HDL Ratio
CRP (high sensitivity)
The hs-CRP test accurately detects lower levels of the protein than the standard CRP test and is used to evaluate individuals for risk of cardiovascular disease (CDV). It measures CRP in the range from 0.5 to 10 mg/L.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein that increases in the blood with inflammation and infection as well as following a heart attack, surgery, or trauma. Thus, it is one of several proteins that are often referred to as acute phase reactants. The high-sensitivity CRP test measures low levels of CRP in the blood to identify low levels of inflammation that are associated with risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
This test measures Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) in the blood. DHEA-S derived from cholesterol and is a hormone produced primarily by the adrenal glands, with smaller amounts produced in the ovaries or testicles.
DHEAS is often referred to as the ‘master hormone’ or ‘longevity hormone’ as it is the precursor required to produce all our vital sex hormones – testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen.
DHEAS levels peak in our 20’s and decline 80% by 70 years of age. It has been shown to improve bone density, skin quality and libido, with a slight increase in sex hormones, especially in women. It is beneficial for the maintenance of muscle mass and fights against sarcopenia in the elderly. These effects could be related to the regulation of IGF-1, a growth hormone that regulates muscle gain and bone mass. DHEAS may also fight against diabetes and heart disease by reducing insulin and pro-inflammatory molecules and increasing nitric oxide (NO).
Please note that blood collected from patients taking Biotin (Vit B7) supplements may cause falsely low results
ESR (Erythro sedimentation Rate)
ESR is an indirect measure of the degree of inflammation present in the body. It measures the rate of fall (sedimentation) of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in a tall, thin tube of blood. Results are reported as how many millimetres of clear plasma are present at the top of the column after one hour. Normally, red cells fall slowly, leaving little clear plasma. Increased blood levels of certain proteins (such as fibrinogen or immunoglobulins, which are increased in inflammation) cause the red blood cells to fall more rapidly.
All chronic inflammation is damaging, and levels need to be assessed to find the most effective anti-inflammatory treatment and to assess how successfully inflammation is being reduced through your treatment strategies.
Glutathione Peroxidase (Red Cell)
This test measures levels of Glutathione Peroxidase - red cell, also known and GSH, in the blood. Glutathione is our Master Antioxidant, a type of chemical which helps to boost your immune system as well as prevent and reverse cellular damage. It is intrinsically involved in the regulation of our Nrf2 cell defences against free radicals and oxidative stress to our DNA.
Unlike most antioxidants which come from the food you eat; glutathione is naturally produced by the body in the liver.
Glutathione plays several roles in overall health including boosting the immune system, helping to break down nutrients in food, and protecting against chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, diabetes, some types of cancer, and heart disease. Glutathione levels tend to decrease naturally with age as well as due to health conditions such as liver disease, insomnia, and chronic stress.
Measuring glutathione levels can help to determine if a person is deficient and may benefit from supplements or an increased diet of glutathione-rich foods.
The haemoglobin A1c test tells you your average level of blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. It gives information on how you are managing your glucose levels and the impact your weight and diet is having on your blood sugar control.
Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. It gives blood its red colour, and its job is to carry oxygen throughout your body.
The sugar in your blood is called glucose. When glucose builds up in your blood, it binds to the haemoglobin in your red blood cells. The A1c test measures how much glucose is bound.
Red blood cells live for about 3 months, so the test shows the average level of glucose in your blood for the past 3 months.
If your glucose levels have been high over recent weeks, your haemoglobin A1c test will be higher.
This test measures the level of the amino acid Homocysteine in the blood. Because certain vitamins are necessary to metabolize homocysteine, elevated levels are often found in people suffering from Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. This test can indicate a deficiency earlier than standard vitamin tests. Higher than normal levels of Homocysteine are a sign of inflammation in the blood vessels of the heart and are linked to an increased risk for the development of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.
Homocysteine is also ordered when someone has a family history of cardiac events or have been diagnosed with a condition relating to heart disease but do not have other well-established risk factors.
Human Growth Hormone
Growth hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin (or as human growth hormone [hGH or HGH] in its human form), is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. It is vital in human ageing and has been called the ‘anti-frailty’ hormone.
GH is a stress hormone that raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids. It also stimulates production of IGF-1. Random growth hormones are highly variable, falling to low levels after meals and rising to high levels during fasting and with stress.
It is important to keep this hormone in balance – low levels cause tissue break down but elevated levels interfering with mTOR longevity gene activity via excessive production of IGF-1.
IGF-1 is a hormone that, along with growth hormone, helps promote normal bone and tissue growth and development. An IGF-1 test is often ordered along with GH.
IGF-1 mirrors GH excesses and deficiencies, but the level in the blood is stable throughout the day, making it a useful indicator of average GH levels.
InsulinThis test measures Insulin levels in the blood. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin is vital for transporting glucose (sugar), which is the body's main source of energy, to the cells. As blood sugar levels rise, more insulin is produced. If a person's body does not produce enough insulin, glucose cannot get into the cells and blood sugar levels rise to unhealthy levels.
Constant insulin presence in the blood is also a promotor of inflammation, which, if secreted regularly for most of the day, can disrupt many nutrient signalling pathways and lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, and weight gain.
Iron studiesIron studies (Fe) are a set of blood tests to measure and estimate the amount of elemental iron carried in the blood and stored in the body tissues. Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin, and iron deficiency is a common cause of anaemia (low blood count).
Iron studies consist of several components
Ferritin - the most accurate marker of total body iron stores and the first component to fall in the setting of iron deficiency.
Serum iron - the next most useful component, giving an estimate of iron being carried in the blood.
Transferrin - a protein which carries iron in the blood; it may be increased in the presence of inflammation or infection anywhere in the body and is therefore less useful.
Saturation ratio - mathematical equation that divides serum iron into total iron binding capacity (TIBC), and then multiplies by 100. This value represents the percentage of how much iron is bound to the blood protein transferrin.
This test measures glucose levels in the blood. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body's cells. It is produced from the food a person eats, primarily carbohydrates. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps move glucose to the body's cells.
Glucose testing is often ordered as part of routine general health blood work. It can also be used to help screen a person who is at risk for Diabetes even if they are not experiencing any symptoms. Glucose testing can also be used to monitor people with Diabetes. It gives information on insulin production, utilisation, pancreatic health, and your dietary choices.
N-Telopeptide (NTx) – Urine
Overnight fasting required-urine collection. Test kit will be provided.
This test measures the level of N-telopeptide Cross-links (NTx) in the urine. N-telopeptide is a marker that can help to assess bone loss and monitor treatment for conditions such as osteoporosis.
The body is continually breaking down and removing old bone and replacing it with new bone as part of the process to maintain a healthy bone structure. Often, as people get older, they begin to lose bone faster than it is replaced. This can lead to bones that are weaker, more brittle, and easier to break.
Bone loss can happen naturally with age or as a result of underlying conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, crushing disease, kidney disease, thyroid disorder, and some types of cancer. As bone is broken down in a process called resorption, fragments of collagen, which N-telopeptide is a component of, are released into the blood. Measuring N-telopeptide levels can help to evaluate the rate at which bone degradation is occurring.
Omega 3/6 / Essential fatty acids
The AA/EPA ratio is an indication of the levels of cellular inflammation in your body. A high level of cellular inflammation does not mean you have a disease state, but it does indicate that you are not as well as you could be. Your future state of wellness can be determined by the levels of cellular inflammation in the blood as shown below.
Cellular inflammation is the type of inflammation that is below the perception of pain. What it does is disrupt hormonal signalling at the cellular levels that leads to increased fat accumulation, acceleration of the development of chronic disease, and decreased physical performance. You can’t feel cellular inflammation, but you can measure it. The only way to measure cellular inflammation is by testing the ratio of two essential fatty acids (AA and EPA) in your blood
Eating enough omega 3’s in your diet has been shown to increase lifespan by up to 5 years and decrease all-cause mortality in over 65-year old’s.
Your body doesn’t make its own essential fatty acids and are reliant on them coming from your diet and supplementation. They are found in all cell membranes, involved in the production of hormones, help balance cholesterol levels, vital for the repair and protection of your brain and nerves, helps keep your arteries clear from plaques, prevents blood stickiness, and acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Test Includes:
Summary Reference Range
Total Saturated
Total Monounsaturated
Total n3 (Omega 3 Fatty acids)
Total n6 (Omega 6 Fatty acids)
Ratio n3:n6
Ratio AA:EPA
Saturated Fats
Myristic Acid [C14:0]
Palmitic Acid [C16:0]
Stearic Acid [C18:0]
Arachidic Acid [C20:0]
Behenic Acid [C22:0]
Monounsaturated Fats
Palmitoleic Acid [C16:1n7]
cis Vaccenic Acid [C18:1n7]
Oleic Acid [C18:1n9]
Gondoic Acid [C20:1n9]
Mead Acid
Mead Acid [C20:3n9]
Ratio MA:AA
n6 Fats (Omega 6 Fatty acids)
Linoleic Acid [C18:2n6]
gamma Linolenic Acid
Eicosadienoic Acid [C20:2n6]
Eicosatrienoic Acid [C20:3n6]
Arachidonic Acid [C20:4n6]
n3 Fats (Omega 3 Fatty acids)
alpha Linolenic Acid [C18:3n3]
Eicosapentaenoic Acid [C20:5n3]
Docosapentaenoic Acid [C22:5n3]
Docosahexaenoic Acid [C22:6n3]
Males only to choose and pay for this test
The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Free:Total Ratio provides several measurements which help to screen for prostate cancer. This test includes measurements for PSA, Free PSA and % Free PSA.
PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels may indicate a higher likelihood of inflammation occurring in the cells of the prostate or having prostate cancer. However, not all cases of prostate cancer will cause elevated PSA levels and there are conditions other than cancer which may cause elevated PSA.
Free PSA is the portion of PSA which is not bound to other proteins in the blood. Generally, men with lower levels of Free PSA have a higher likelihood of having Prostate Cancer. Free PSA measurements are useful for people with borderline or moderately increased total PSA levels.
How to use the build your own panel:
Go to https://imedical.com.au/order/blood-tests/build-your-own-private-blood-tests/build-your-own-blood-test
- Open all the various test boxes you need (A-B, C-D etc) then tick the tests you require.
- Keep boxes open. If you close the menus, then the tests within will deselect.
- When complete just add the whole selection to the cart once. No need to keep 're-adding' to cart, thus saving the $19 fee each time.
- To order for more than 1-person separate orders must be made for each.
Once we receive your order, we email you a Pathology request referral within seconds. Print off and take to any of the Pathology centres on our 'collection centres’ page. Appointments not necessary in Pathology.
Order your own Blood Tests Online in Australia - NATA accredited and confidential.
iMedical makes getting your own blood work done simple and quick. Order any test you want!
Ordering lab tests online with iMedical means no need to try and convince a Dr to write you a referral. Whether by Tele-Health or in person.
iMedical referrals and testing are paid for in full when ordering. There will be no other surprise bills from Pathology in the mail. iMedical pays all Pathology bills.
With iMedical just select the tests you want; we will email you the pathology request instantly where you can present to a pathology collection centre near you and have your blood tests completed. We email your results in approx. 24-48 hours, usually the next day. Rarer tests may take longer.
Highly flexible Pathology ordering. You can tailor tests to exactly what you need without wasting money on unwanted tests.
- You may want to investigate a condition that runs in the family
- Check something that Medicare will not cover
- Check something you cannot get a referral for
- Or just gain some peace of mind, identifying any risks that you may suspect rightly or wrongly. It is your right to know.
Whatever your reason, Longevity Code can recommend a comprehensive range of Blood Tests designed to give access to your health which can then be used to tailor a targeted treatment programme to reverse your age and help you live a life without disease.
